What do they say when you get to Hawaii?

What do they say when you get to Hawaii? Pronounced a-lo-ha It's known around the world as the universal tropical greeting of Hawaii. However, Aloha means a lot more than just 'hello'. Its literal meaning is 'love', as well as 'kindness', 'compassion', and 'peace'.

What does Moana mean in Hawaii?

It is a beautiful Hawaiian given name meaning ocean, sea, or expanse of water. The name has been a firm favorite among Polynesian communities for years, gaining global popularity with the release of Disney's epic animated film in 2016.

Is aloha bye or hi?

Aloha is the word used to say both 'hello' and 'goodbye' in Hawaiian, but it means much more than just a simple salutation – aloha is a way of life.” Aloha is a beautiful word with a very complex meaning. Many may know it as a greeting, or farewell or a salutation.

What do Hawaiians call tourists?

Haole is a Hawaiian word for non-native Hawaiian or Polynesian people, often referring to white people. Usage can be in an insulting or pejorative manner, but it usually refers to a foreigner or tourist.