What documents do I need to invite someone to the UK?

What documents do I need to invite someone to the UK? A photocopy of your passport including the photograph page and your visa/BRP card. At least 6 months bank statements and/or payslips to show that they can fund their trip and any expenses. If you are funding their visit, you should provide proof of your finances for them to show.

How much bank statement is required for UK tourist visa?

The applicant may attach six bank statements over a period of 6 months and should include the most recent bank statement. The purpose of attaching bank statement is to confirm that the applicant is financially strong to meet all expenses related to his visit to UK.

What documents do I need to sponsor a visitor in UK?

proof of your income and where you work, for example payslips or an employment contract. proof that you have enough money to pay for the visitor's stay, for example recent bank statements. proof that you're in the UK legally, for example a copy of your passport or visa.

What documents do I need to sponsor a visitor?

Tourist Visa Sponsor Documents
  • Affidavit of Support Form (Form I-134)
  • Tourist Visa Invitation Letter.
  • Tourist Visa Sponsor Letter.
  • Financial Documents.
  • Proof of Sponsor's Residency Status.