What does 40 mph wind feel like?

What does 40 mph wind feel like? 32-38 Mph 50-61 kph 28-33 knots Moderate or Near Gale Large trees sway, becoming difficult to walk. Larger waves develop, white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown. 39-46 Mph 62-74 kph 34-40 knots Gale or Fresh Gale Twigs and small branches are broken from trees, walking is difficult.

Can you walk in 30 mph winds?

Hiking & Wind In strong winds, your balance may become compromised, increasing the risk of slips and falls. At 30mph winds can start to affect your balance, in 40mph winds walking becomes difficult. If the wind speeds are up to 50mph, it's dangerous to continue for even experienced hikers.

Will a plane land in 40 mph winds?

With this in mind, horizontal winds (also known as “crosswinds”) in excess of 30-35 kts (about 34-40 mph) are generally prohibitive of take-off and landing. As far as how this happens, it depends on where you are in flight.