What existed before the Egyptians?

What existed before the Egyptians? To many, ancient Egypt is synonymous with the pharaohs and pyramids of the Dynastic period starting about 3,100BC. Yet long before that, about 9,300-4,000BC, enigmatic Neolithic peoples flourished.

Who is older Aztec or Egyptian?

For example, the 18th Dynasty of the Egyptians dates from the 14th Century BC, whilst the Aztecs didn't begin to flourish in the Valley of Mexico till the 14th Century AD, making any contact or communication between the two cultures impossible.

What existed before the pyramids?

Ruins That Pre-Date The Pyramids One of the main sites to discover that dates from before the pyramids is Abydos. It dates from around 7,000 years ago - thousands of years before the pyramids. Still, most of the actual ruins one will find there (like the Temple of Seti I) were built long after the pyramids.

Is the Sphinx mentioned in the Bible?

Genesis and Exodus do not mention the pyramids or the Sphinx, they mention Pitom and Raamses. The Egyptian hieroglyphs carved in stone depict their Gods. They buried Kings with everything they need for the afterlife in great tombs (pyramids).