What hotel did Adam Sandler go to in Hawaii?

What hotel did Adam Sandler go to in Hawaii? Many of the Hawaii scenes from Just Go With It starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston were filmed at Grand Wailea.

Where do billionaires stay in Hawaii?

Where do billionaires stay in Hawaii? The Kohanaiki club isn't a place that you can just show up and hang out in: It's a 450-acre patch of land on the Kona Coast of Hawai'i, the Big Island where the richest of the rich—literally billionaires, as they claim—come to live in what essentially amounts to a luxury commune.

What billionaires live on Maui?

Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Bezos are among those who have part-time homes on the island. The wildfires that have killed at least 55 in Maui are burning on an island that also contains the part-time homes of billionaires, including Oprah Winfrey, Peter Thiel and Jeff Bezos.

What movie stars live in Maui Hawaii?

Here are a handful of Maui's most well-known residents:
  • Willie Nelson. Willie, an esteemed long-time resident, is one of Maui's favorite celebrities. ...
  • Oprah Winfrey. ...
  • Clint Eastwood. ...
  • Steven Tyler. ...
  • Owen Wilson. ...
  • Mick Fleetwood. ...
  • Woody Harrelson. ...
  • Kris Kristofferson.

Who is the most famous person in Maui?

Oprah is perhaps the most famous celebrity that lives on Maui. She purchased the Thompson Ranch, a historic piece of property on Mount Haleakala with panoramic views of the ocean and the central valley of Maui. Oprah also purchased a 63 acre piece of land in Hana so no one could develop the land.

What Hawaiian island is Kendall Jenner on?

She's currently enjoying a sun soaked getaway to the Hawaiian island of Maui.