What is a explorer tourist example?

What is a explorer tourist example? Some examples may be: scuba diving in an area where nobody has been before and discovering an uncharted sea mount with rare corals flourishing; while hiking a forest trail you find a flower that does not look quite like anything that you can find in any reference book; river trekking a tributary to a popular river you ...

What is difference between exploration and tourism?

Tourism is distinguished from exploration in that tourists follow a “beaten path,” benefit from established systems of provision, and, as befits pleasure-seekers, are generally insulated from difficulty, danger, and embarrassment.

What are the three main types of tourists?

  • Travel and Tourism.
  • Different Types of Tourism.
  • Domestic Tourism – Taking Holidays and Trips in your own country.
  • Inbound Tourism – Visitors from overseas coming into the country.
  • Outbound Tourism –Travelling to a different country for a visit or a.
  • Different Types of Travel.

What are the 4 types of tourists?

Cohen (1972), a sociologist of tourism, classifies tourists into four types, based on the degree to which they seek familiarity and novelty: the drifter, the explorer, the individual mass tourist, and the organized mass tourist.

Are there different types of tourists?

There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound tourism. Domestic tourism refers to activities of a visitor within their country of residence and outside of their home (e.g. a Brit visiting other parts of Britain).

Who are considered the best tourists?

LONDON (Reuters) - The best tourists in the world are the Japanese, followed by Americans and the Swiss, a survey based on views from hoteliers across Europe said Wednesday. Japanese tourists stood out for being polite and tidy, securing 35 percent more votes than the Americans who came second.

What are 3 types of tourists?

Forms of tourism: There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound tourism.