What is a good salary to live in Monaco?

What is a good salary to live in Monaco? With regard to a comfortable life, and general feelings of self-sufficiency, living in the Principality of Monaco will be comfortable with an annual income of 500 or more thousand euros.

Is it worth it to live in Monaco?

Monaco has an excellent healthcare system and a low crime rate, making it a safe and healthy environment to live in. Another plus for Monaco Permanent Residency is the tax advantages. Monaco is a tax haven, with no income tax, capital gains tax, or wealth tax.

What are the pros and cons of living in Monaco?

Pro: The average lifespan for Monaco residents is 90 years, the highest ITW. Con: People stick around a long time: most densely populated country ITW. Pro: Monaco has the highest rate of millionaires/billionaires per capita ITW. Con: Not being part of that statistic.

Can you live in Monaco without being rich?

In order to become a resident, applicants must rent or purchase a property here, and deposit and maintain at least 500,000 euros into a bank registered in Monaco.