What is considered beautiful in Argentina?

What is considered beautiful in Argentina? In Argentina, beauty standards are generally tailored to embrace a woman's natural shape and complexion. It's uncommon to see women walk the streets of Buenos Aires with a full-face of makeup, and it's even more uncommon to see them contouring their faces like Kylie Jenner.

Is kissing normal in Argentina?

Kissing on the cheek when greeting hello and goodbye is part of Argentine culture. When Argentines enter a room, every single person, stranger or family, receives one kiss on the right cheek. The same thing is done when leaving. You'll be expected to do the same when you travel to Argentina.

How do Argentines greet each other?

In Argentina, people always greet each other with a kiss which is sometimes also extended into a hug depending on how well you know the person. It is also proper to introduce yourself to a group of people rather than waiting for the host to do it; and yes, most likely everyone should receive a kiss.

Do men hug and kiss their friends in Argentina?

Argentines meet their friends, family and even new acquaintances with a hug and a kiss; anything else is considered rude. Even doctors greet their patients with a warm embrace.