What is customs declaration in Bali?

What is customs declaration in Bali? Before arriving to Indonesia, you will be handed a form to declare all the goods you bring, including food, beverage, money, and other valuable goods, by the airlines crew. The form is a customs declaration. It is a requirement to fill the form since your belongings are considered as import goods.

What do you have to declare at customs in Bali?

Travelers must declare the following items on the e-CD form: Currency, travelers' checks, and other financial instruments exceeding IDR 100 million (or equivalent, roughly $6400 USD) Goods and gifts with a total value exceeding $6500 USD. Restricted items, such as certain medications, food, plants, and animals.

What do I declare at customs in Indonesia?

Every passenger from abroad are obligated to declare all the belongings from abroad in Customs Declaration including personal medication, food, beverage, money, etc. Why? It is because the belongings you bring is considered as import goods. Certain goods are not allowed and some needed legal permission.

Is 2 hours enough to clear customs?

Make sure you allow enough time to clear customs and get to your connecting flight. As a general rule, it's best to allow at least two hours for international layovers. Pack smart: Avoid packing any prohibited items in your carry-on or checked baggage.

What do they check during customs?

Usually, the export or import declaration form, packing list, etc. For example, customs officers will inspect the carton boxes to see if the shipment info is consistent with the export declaration form, such as the product name, quantity, and so on.

Can I take paracetamol to Bali?

Other medications such as paracetamol, antidiarrheals and antibiotics won't be a problem but if you're at all concerned about your medication, check with the Indonesian embassy.