What is the 6 digit booking number?

What is the 6 digit booking number? Booking reference It is also known as a Record/Booking Locator (or RecLoc), PNR Code, confirmation number or reference number. It can be found on your tickets, booking confirmation or travel documentation. Our booking reference is a six digit alphanumeric combination.

What are reservation codes and ticket numbers?

A Reservation Code is a six-character, alphabetical code found on your itinerary. Airlines may ask for this code when you check in at the airport counter or kiosk. A Trip ID is a 12-digit numeric code that may be found on your itinerary.

What does a booking reference number look like?

It consists of 6 numbers and letters, e.g. YBIRI7, and the letters are always written in BLOCK LETTERS. If a flight is booked online, air travelers usually receive the booking code immediately after the booking is completed.

What is the difference between ticket number and booking number?

A PNR (passenger name record) is a unique identifier used by airlines to keep track of a passenger's itinerary, while a booking reference number (also known as a flight confirmation number, e-ticket number, or ticket number) is a unique identifier used by airlines to identify a specific ticket or booking.

Is a booking reference a ticket?

A booking reference is a unique code specific to an individual reservation. It is also known as a Record/Booking Locator (or RecLoc), PNR Code, confirmation number or reference number. It can be found on your tickets, booking confirmation or travel documentation.

How do I verify a hotel booking?

If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Call the hotel directly and provide your name, reservation dates, and confirmation number if you have one. They can check your reservation in their system and confirm it's booked correctly.

What does an airline code look like?

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