What is the alcohol limit in Santorini?

What is the alcohol limit in Santorini? The legal blood alcohol limit is 0.05% (0.02% for drivers with less than two years of experience). Be aware of narrow roads, steep inclines, and the occasional wandering livestock when driving in Santorini.

Can you drink alcohol in Santorini?

Drinking Responsibly in Santorini: Legal drinking age: There is no minimum age for drinking in private, but you must be 18 or older to purchase alcohol and drink in public.

How long will 1 beer show up on a breathalyzer?

In some cases, the breathalyzer may detect alcohol for up to 12 hours. In other individuals, the breathalyzer test may work for twice that long. Although the average person metabolizes about 1 alcoholic drink per hour, this rate varies.

How many beers is 0.08 alcohol?

Many experts believe that it takes about 3 drinks (12 oz beer, 5 oz glass of wine, or a shot of liquor) taken within an hour for a 100 lb person to reach . 08% BAC. Other general guidelines include: At 140 lbs it takes about four drinks an hour to reach a .

How long does 1 standard drink stay in your breath?

What Is the Effect of One Beer on Your Breath? A standard drink, including one beer, contains about 14 grams of alcohol on average. That puts an average person's BAC at 0.02. After about one hour, your BAC should be close to zero if you have not consumed any other alcoholic beverages.

What is the drinking etiquette in Greece?

They drink, not to escape but, as they chime their glasses together, to engage more fully in the moment with one another. Even the occasional excess is usually a product of happy exuberance; drunken fighting and regrettable behavior are virtually non-existent.

What is the 6 drink rule in Greece?

These rules mean, if you stay at an all inclusive hotel in one of these resorts, you can have a maximum of 6 alcoholic drinks a day as part of your all inclusive package – 3 at lunch and 3 with evening meals. Soft drinks are unlimited at any time of day and you can buy additional alcoholic drinks if you wish.

Do you tip in Greece restaurants?

Restaurant workers in Greece don't expect you to tip, though the restaurant may sometimes charge a service fee. That fee can function as a tip instead, though it may go to the restaurant instead of the server. If you want to see your waiter receive the tip, you're better off leaving coins with the bill.