What is the average car trip?

What is the average car trip? Every day, there are some 70 Million (M) worldwide driving trips. The average trip duration globally is 15 minutes long. The average trip distance globally is 15 Kilometers / 9.3 miles. The average speed globally is 30 km/h (or) 18.6 mph.

What is the average number of car trips per household?

The average number of vehicle trips made by a household in a year's time was 1,865 in 2017, which translates to an average of 5 household trips per day (one-way). That is 10% lower than the previous survey year, 2009, and 20% lower than the 1995 survey.

Are long trips better for your car?

Wear and tear costs: A long road trip can inflict costly damage on your car, even if you don't notice it right away. Every mile results in a certain amount of wear and tear to the engine, the tires and other moving parts.

Is 20,000 miles a year a lot?

Is 20,000 miles per year a lot? Given that the average mileage is 13,476 per year, 20,000 miles can be deemed a lot.

What is the average distance traveled by car in Europe?

This assumption is based on European data, which suggest that the average annual distance travelled per car is 18,000 km in Western Europe (Marrero et.al., 2019) [14] , 20,200 km in the USA (Statista 2021) [15], and 12,100 km in Australia (ABS 2020) [16].

How often do people go on road trips?

The poll, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of EconomyBookings.com, found that the typical person has taken about seven road trips in their lifetime. More than three-quarters (78%) of Americans have found hidden gems along the road that they wouldn't have seen if they were traveling another way.

How often does the average person trip?

Data deep dive: Overall, 60 percent of respondents travel domestically one to two times a year. Travelers who are 54 and older responded that they were more likely to travel more than two times within the year. Just under 10 percent travel more than five times a year within the states.

Are road trips stressful?

All that traffic (plus your family crammed into a car together for 8-plus hours) can mean a stressful experience – and stress is one of the leading headache triggers.