What is the average salary in France?

What is the average salary in France? According to the data from the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), the average gross salary in France in 2023 was approximately 39,800 euros. This is one of the highest figures among EU countries.

What is a livable salary in Paris?

Salary for a comfortable life in France Earning around 3,200 euros per month is considered a good income for individuals or 5,600 euros for a family of three. This amount takes into account the cost of living and allows you to cover your basic expenses such as housing, food, transportation, and leisure activities.

Is it customary to tip in France?

Tipping is not considered etiquette by French people in French restaurants, but if you enjoyed your meal, it's nice to leave 5 - 10%. If you really enjoyed the meal, or plan on returning to the restaurant and want the wait staff to like you, 15% is a generous tip.

Is 500 euros enough for a month in France?

Is 500 euros enough for a month in France? The average monthly living cost in France for international students in cheap locations like Metz, Toulouse, Lille, and Lyon is 500-1,000 EUR. On the other hand, the monthly living cost of France in expensive cities like Paris might range between 1,200 and 1,800 EUR.