What is the best age to travel with baby by train?

What is the best age to travel with baby by train? Basically as soon as you're ready to take your baby out in public you can take them on a train. However, you should talk to your pediatrician before taking a long train trip with your newborn, since infants are more vulnerable to infections.

Can you take a baby on a sleeper train?

Go for it. I've seen several people do this and it seems to be fine -- just make sure there's enough space based on the size of your kid. (With a <6 mo. baby it seems straightforward; a 2-year-old would be another matter.)

How long can you travel with a newborn?

For a new-born baby, it is advised to limit car journeys to 30 minutes at a time. Take these steps to help your baby stay comfortable during the journey. A new-born car seat insert will cocoon your baby to keep them safe and comfy. Find out more.