What is the cheapest train from Osaka to Kyoto?

What is the cheapest train from Osaka to Kyoto? The Hankyu Kyoto Main Line provides the cheapest route into central Kyoto from Osaka. Limited Express trains run between Hankyu Osaka-Umeda Station and Kyoto-Kawaramachi Station in central Kyoto in 44 minutes for just 400 yen. This line also provides easy access to tourist attractions in western Kyoto.

Is 4 days in Osaka too much?

How many days should I spend in Osaka? I recommend at least 5 days to see the must-see of the Kansai region, namely Osaka and Kyoto. But it would be better if you could stay for at least 8 days, which will allow you to visit all the best highlights of Kansai: Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Himeji, and Hiroshima.

How much is the bullet train from Kyoto to Osaka?

The Shinkansen service which runs from Shin-Osaka Station to Kyoto Station is the fastest way and it's covered by the JR Pass. The bullet train time is only 15 minutes. If you don't have a JR Pass, the Shinkansen price for this journey is 1,420 yen.

Can you do a day trip from Osaka to Kyoto?

Go on a culturally-enriching day trip from Osaka to Kyoto. Stop at the Fushimi Inari Temple and the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, and Arashiyama.

How do I pay for the train in Kyoto?

You can use Icoca/Pasmo/Suica for all trains, subways and buses in Kyoto. You can also use Icoca/Pasmo/Suica at many shops, especially convenience stores. Buy Icoca cards from vending machines at JR Kyoto Station.

Is Nara closer to Osaka or Kyoto?

Nara is 35 kilometers south of Kyoto City and about 28 kilometers east of Osaka. Thus, it's within easy day trip distances of these cities. Of course, if you want to slow down and enjoy Nara a bit more, it makes sense to stay a night in Nara to really explore the area.

What is the cheapest way to get from Osaka to Kyoto?

The Hankyu Kyoto Main Line provides the cheapest route into central Kyoto from Osaka. Limited Express trains run between Hankyu Osaka-Umeda Station and Kyoto-Kawaramachi Station in central Kyoto in 44 minutes for just 400 yen. This line also provides easy access to tourist attractions in western Kyoto.

How much is the Shinkansen ticket to Osaka?

In Tokyo, you can catch the Shinkansen either at Tokyo Station or Shinagawa Station, and then arrive to Shin-Osaka Station in Osaka. A one-way journey costs 13,620 yen (unreserved seat) or 14,340 yen (reserved seat), but with your JR Pass, you can avail of either without having to pay additional fees.

How much is a meal in Osaka?

Cheap street food like okonomiyaki, takoyaki, ramen, soba and udon costs between 500 and 1,000 JPY (4.60 to 9.25 USD). Casual dining in Osaka can cost between 1,000 and 3,000 JPY (9.25 to 28 USD), and restaurants often offer discounted “set menus” during lunchtime.

Is Nara line covered by JR Pass?

The JR Nara line takes 45 minutes by express train or 70 minutes if you catch a local train from Kyoto Station. It's covered by the JR Pass but the price is 690 yen if you don't have one. This is the best way to get from Kyoto to Nara if you have the Japan Rail Pass.

What is the cheapest month to visit Osaka?

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Osaka High season is considered to be January, November and December. The cheapest month to fly from the United States is September.

How much is the ticket from Osaka to Kyoto?

Shinkansen or bullet train Thus, you have to purchase a ticket, which costs 1,420 yen (unreserved seat) or 3,220 yen (reserved seat). A one-way trip from Shin-Osaka Station to Kyoto Station takes only 14 minutes.

What is the least expensive way of Travelling in Japan?

Highway buses are one of the most economical ways to travel medium to long distances in Japan. While slower than trains, buses cost usually less than half, especially on the competitive Tokyo routes where discount fares can be incredibly low.

What train is not covered by JR Pass?

The PASS is valid on all Japan Railways (JR) Group Shinkansen “bullet trains” (except for the “NOZOMI” and “MIZUHO” trains), limited express trains, express trains, and local trains (Green Car passes are valid for Green Car travel) in addition to the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit system).

How many days should I stay in Kyoto?

With a medium stay of 4-5 days in Kyoto, you'll have the opportunity to delve deeper into the city's rich history and culture. This extended duration allows you to venture beyond the most famous attractions and explore some of Kyoto's lesser-known gems.