What is the cheapest way to travel to France from UK?

What is the cheapest way to travel to France from UK? Ferries. Though slower than travelling by plane or via the Channel Tunnel, the ferries plying between Dover and Calais offer the cheapest means of travelling to France from the UK and are particularly convenient if you live in southeast England.

Which cities does Eurostar go to?

  • Paris.
  • Amsterdam.
  • London.
  • Brussels.
  • Antwerp.
  • Lille.

What is the least expensive day of the week to fly to Europe?

You can get the best deals by flying mid-week and avoiding more typically expensive travel days like Sundays. Wednesdays are a close second usually to Tuesdays in terms of the best airfare prices.

What is the cheapest way to go from UK to France?

Bus, from £20 round trip Yes, a good old bus trip is still the cheapest option, unless you have managed to get hold of sale tickets for the ferry or plane. There is quite a list of companies that go between the UK and France, like Eurolines, Flixbus, National Express, etc.

How can I go to France on a budget?

Explore France on a budget with these helpful tips
  1. Think beyond Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. ...
  2. Pick your season well. ...
  3. Embrace the prix fixe menu. ...
  4. Eat cheap with set lunchtime menus and plats du jour. ...
  5. Pick up a picnic at the abundant local markets and shops. ...
  6. Keep the kids on the menu enfant. ...
  7. Wine taste on a budget.

Do you stay in your car on Eurotunnel?

You and your pets stay in your vehicle throughout the journey - sit back and relax, it only takes 35 minutes to cross.

What is the cheapest day of the week to fly to France?

Some will say mid-week flights on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the cheapest. Others will tell you to take a red-eye all night flight to save the most.

Can I take a train from UK to France?

It is easy to travel by train to France in a day from the UK. The fastest route is to take the Eurostar from London St Pancras International Railway Station to either Lille Europe (1 hour 22 mins) or to Gare du Nord in the French capital Paris (2 hours 16 mins).

What is the cheapest month to travel France?

The cheapest time to visit Paris is during the off-season — in the winter, before and after the holiday rush, which means early December, January, and February.

Is Eurotunnel cheaper than ferry?

Dover - Calais ferry tickets start at around €36 for foot passengers and at about €80 for passengers who travel with a vehicle. On the other hand, prices for the Eurotunnel start at over €100 for a one-way drive to France from the UK. Conclusion: the ferry from the UK to France is usually cheaper than the Eurotunnel.

Which is better Eurostar or Eurotunnel?

Eurostar trains are for foot passengers only, so are ideal if you don't need or want a vehicle for your trip. Eurotunnel Le Shuttle carries freight and all forms of vehicle, including cars, motorbikes, campervans, caravans, coaches and lorries.

Is ferry or Eurotunnel better?

Taking the ferry can also be a better option if you're travelling as a larger group since you can all meet up in the ferry's bar or restaurant. However, if your idea of fun is getting to France as quickly as possible, you might favour the Tunnel.

Do you need passport for Eurostar?

Find out what travel documents are needed to travel with Eurostar. To travel on Eurostar each passenger needs a valid passports.

Is it cheaper to fly to Paris or get the Eurostar?

Unless you book well in advance, the cost of traveling to Paris on the Eurostar is more expensive than flying.

Can I take my own food on Eurostar?

Can I take food on board? Absolutely. You can bring your own food on European and London routes. And unlike in the sky, we won't restrict you with stifling rules on liquids.