What is the currency on Royal Caribbean casinos?

What is the currency on Royal Caribbean casinos? Royal Caribbean N American and European sailings all use USD.

Can I use my debit card in the Caribbean?

Almost all Caribbean destinations accept U.S. credit or debit cards. If you're planning to use your credit cards, you'll want to check with each credit card company to determine the international exchange fee for each card.

How much do you have to gamble to get free cruises on Royal Caribbean?

You can check daily on your journey. 2500 points will get you a free cruise next year and free drinks as soon as you hit 2500. Table play is rated. Slot play is $5 coin in per point.

What is the best currency to take on a cruise?

As US Dollars are so widely used across the Caribbean, a secure currency card can be really handy for your holiday spends. Simply load it with dollars before you go and you can top up while you're travelling, withdraw money from cash machines and make contactless payments.

What is casino convenience fee on Royal Caribbean?

The total daily amount that can be charged to your room in the casino is $5,000, either at slot machines, table games or a combination of the two. The 5% convenience fee is waived for players once PRIME status (2,500 points earned) is achieved. That's also what unlocks free drinks while actively playing.

Do you win on cruise ship casinos?

Most cruise ship casino games operate under the same rules and payout percentages you would find in a land-based casino; therefore, the answer is yes, you can win money in a cruise ship casino.

Can I bring a 12 pack of soda on Royal Caribbean?

Guests may also bring non-alcoholic beverages as carry-on items on boarding day. Non-alcoholic beverages may not exceed 12 standard (17 oz.) cans, bottles or cartons per stateroom. Milk and distilled water brought on for infant, medical, or dietary use are permitted.

Do you use cash in the casino on Royal Caribbean cruises?

Cash is accepted in the casino. How do I access cash to play in the casino? Enjoy Cashless Wagering at the slots and table games. Guest can charge up to $5,000.00 per day with their SeaPass card to their onboard folio account when a valid credit card is posted.

How much money should I bring on a 7 day cruise?

So how much money do you need? The answer to this question varies a lot by person, their travel habits, spending preferences, length of the cruise and destination. Many people suggest $100 per day, and this has generally worked well for me in my cruising experiences, but there are a lot of variables to consider.

What is the best currency to take on a Caribbean cruise?

So to cut a short story even shorter, whether visiting for a day off a cruise or taking a short break on one island, the best currency for the Caribbean is the US dollar. You shouldn't need any of the local currency.

Is it better to take cash or card on a cruise?

We recommend paying for on shore purchases that are over $10 with a credit card to reduce the amount of cash you need to carry when off-ship and for a good record of your purchase, and use pocket change or local currency for the rest.