What is the current travel advisory for Italy?

What is the current travel advisory for Italy? Italy - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution Exercise increased caution due to terrorism. Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Italy.

Is it safe to go to Italy right now?

Latest update. Latest update:We've reviewed our travel advice for Italy and continue to advise exercise normal safety precautions. Temporary border checks have been introduced at Italy's borders with Slovenia.

Is Switzerland a rich country?

Switzerland is one of the world's wealthiest countries, with a GDP per capita that outstrips that of other major economies, like the U.S., Japan and Germany. It is also home to some of the richest citizens in the world, with a mean wealth of $696,604 per adult — and a steep cost-of-living to match.

Is Trevi Fountain lit up at night?

Once the sun goes down, this famous landmark lights up. As luck would have it, the area is typically less crowded at this time. For the best results, consider making this one of your last activities of the day. Many suggest the best time to go to Trevi Fountain is between 8 pm - 11 pm.

Should you bring toilet paper to Italy?

A few pieces of tissue… that can double as toilet paper You don't really need to bring this from home, of course — Italy does have toilet paper! — but it's a smart thing for ladies, particularly, to throw in their purses before leaving the hotel in the morning.

What documents do I need to enter Italy?

What Documents U.S. Nationals Need When Entering Italy?
  • A valid US passport. ...
  • Proof of return ticket. ...
  • Proof of the purpose of entry. ...
  • Proof of accommodation in Italy. ...
  • Proof of sufficient financial means. ...
  • Travel insurance for Italy. ...
  • ETIAS authorization starting from 2025.

Is Rome bad for pickpockets?

Rome is notorious for its clever and persistent pickpockets. Everyone has heard a story of someone who went to Rome, and came back without their wallet or cell phone or another valuable.

What is the safest city in Switzerland?

Lugano remains the safest city in Switzerland and has the lowest number of crimes recorded. In Ticino's main city, 24.7 crimes were recorded per 1,000 inhabitants in 2021 (+1.3 percent compared to 2020) versus 36.3 in St. Gallen and 36.8 in Winterthur.

How much cash should I carry in Italy?

You don't need to bring too much cash, but it's good to have some Euro (about $100 per person) to bring along if you want to grab a quick bite or a taxi before you have time to hit a cash machine. I think there are some Citibanks and tons of ATMs in general.

What can you not bring to Italy?

6 Things Not To Bring To Italy
  • A new haircut. Rushing around before your trip shouldn't include a haircut. ...
  • Running shoes/ sneakers. Really my friend, unless your actually using them to exercise: leave them at home. ...
  • More baggage than you can carry. ...
  • Too many gadgets. ...
  • Travellers cheques. ...
  • Dirty Bra Straps.

Should I buy euros before going to Italy?

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip. Some tourists feel like they just have to have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

Is it better to use cash or card in Italy?

In Italy, cash is still preferred in most restaurants, cafes and other establishments, although credit and debit cards are becoming more widely used throughout Italy and are an increasingly convenient way to pay for things. Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted, although American Express is not.