What is the difference between cargo sweat and ship sweat?

What is the difference between cargo sweat and ship sweat? When air moisture settles on the cargo, it is referred to as 'cargo sweat'. Condensation on the ship's structural elements inside the cargo hold is called 'ship sweat'. Both phenomena are directly related to the dew point, the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water, triggering condensation.

How do you prevent ship sweat and cargo sweat?

For ship sweat to occur, the dew point in the cargo hold must exceed the temperature of the ship's structure. To eliminate ship sweat, the cargo should be ventilated if the ship is moving from a warm to a cold climate.

What is the 3 degree rule?

'Dew Point Rule'or 'Three Degree Rule' The Three Degree Rule states that a cargo hold should be ventilated when the dry bulb temperature of the outside air is at least 3°C lower than the temperature of the cargo.