What is the drinking age in KLM?

What is the drinking age in KLM? For example on an Dutch registered plane ( KLM ) the drinking age limit would be 18 years.

Can a 20 year old drink alcohol on an international flight?

If you're under 21 and want to drink on an airplane traveling outside the U.S., you're out of luck if you're flying on United, Delta, American or any other U.S.-based airline. But yes, you can find lower drinking ages on some airlines based elsewhere (emphasis on some; certain airlines don't serve alcohol at all).

Do flight attendants check ID for drinks?

In theory the answer is yes, but that does not mean no laws apply. 'The law of the nation where the airline is registered applies on board the aircraft. Although most aviation rules are very similar internationally. '

Can I drink at 18 on a flight to Europe?

As others said, on a US based carrier, the drinking age is 21, no matter from where the flight originates.

How strict is Amsterdam with ID?

The requirement to present identification applies to residents of the Netherlands that are over 13 years old. Police and other officials (such as traffic wardens or customs officials) may ask for it and if you fail to present the right documents you risk having to pay a fine.