What is the easiest way to get from Honolulu to Maui?

What is the easiest way to get from Honolulu to Maui? Air travel The quickest and most convenient way to get from Oahu to Maui is by taking a flight from Honolulu International Airport to Kahului Airport. Many airlines, such as Hawaiian Airlines, offer non-stop flights between the two islands.

What is the cheapest way to travel between Hawaiian islands?

The cheapest way to travel between Hawaiian islands is to fly. You can find inter-island flights for as little as $39 each way, depending on when you want to travel and how far in advance you book.

Which month is cheapest to fly to Hawaii?

April thru June and mid-August thru mid-September are Hawaii's low seasons, and airfares are lower then. No matter what time of year you travel, you may be able to score better deals if you travel midweek.

What is the cheapest day of the week to fly to Hawaii?

To get the best airfare prices, look to fly on Tuesday and Wednesdays. All summer long, midweek flights are a better price.

How many days do you need in Maui?

The average visitor to Maui spends 8.1 days on the island. How long you should stay depends on what you want to do, but you should plan to spend a minimum of five days on Maui.

Can you do a day trip from Honolulu to Maui?

Take a flight from Honolulu to Maui for a one-day Maui excursion and explore the Road to Hana, one of the top things to do in Maui! Pass the old plantation town Paia to stop at waterfalls & a black sand beach along the 52-mile Hana Highway.

Is there a ferry between Honolulu and Maui?

Currently, there is no passenger-ferry service from Honolulu to Maui, or between any of the Hawaiian islands. All inter-island travel is either via air or private boat.

Can you do day trips between Hawaiian islands?

An Introduction To Inter-Island Day Trips Exploring more islands in the great state of Hawaii means you will need to fly to each of the other islands. Taking day trips is a great way to see the unique features on each island. An active volcano, incredible rainforests, huge canyons and so much more to see.

What is the most expensive island in Hawaii to visit?

Oahu is the cheapest Hawaiian island to visit, with a total cost of $3,015. A Ko Olina Resort lagoon on Oahu. Maui is the most expensive island to visit, coming in over $2,000 more expensive, with a total cost of $5,142. The Grand Wailea in Maui, a luxury resort.

Can you drive from Honolulu to Maui?

Many wonder if it's possible to drive between the two islands to experience everything they have to offer. If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: No, it is not possible to drive from Honolulu on Oahu island to Maui island. The only way to travel between the islands is by plane or ferry boat.

How many days do you need on each Hawaiian island?

The best way to experience Hawaii is to devote at least five days to each island. If you want to tack on a quick trip to another island in a short amount of time, Oahu is your best bet, as it's the main hub for the islands.

Which Hawaiian island is the best one to go to?

With such great variety, there's always a reason to come back again.
  • Oahu Brings the Best of City Life and Country Living. ...
  • Maui is Considered Heaven on Earth. ...
  • Hawaii Island is for Volcano Lovers. ...
  • Kauai is Nature at Its Finest. ...
  • Molokai and Lanai Offer a Laidback Getaway.

How do you get around in Hawaii without a car?

Many visitors enjoy taking bus tours to conveniently explore the Islands. For most islands you can also get around by shuttle, taxi, ride-sharing app such as Uber or Lyft, or public transportation.

How long is the ferry ride from Honolulu to Maui?

The ferry service between Honolulu and Maui is provided by a company called Expeditions. The ferry takes approximately 2.5 hours to get from one island to another and operates daily. A one-way ticket costs $39 for adults, $20 for children between the ages of 2-12, and kids under two can ride the ferry for free.

How do people travel from Oahu to Maui?

Many airlines offer non-stop flights direct to Maui. You may also fly into Honolulu International Airport (HNL) on O?ahu before heading to Maui on a short, 30-minute flight. There is also daily ferry service to and from the nearby island of Lana?i.