What is the English name for Switzerland?

What is the English name for Switzerland? Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located at the confluence of Western, Central and Southern Europe.

What food is Switzerland famous for?

Typical Swiss food
  • Cheese fondue. Melted cheese with bread cubes. ...
  • Raclette. Melted cheese served with Gschwellti (jacket potatoes), cocktail gherkins and onions as well as pickled fruit.
  • Älplermagronen. A kind of gratin with potatoes, macaroni, cheese, cream and onions. ...
  • Rösti. ...
  • Birchermüesli. ...
  • Swiss chocolate. ...
  • Swiss cheese.

Why Switzerland is so expensive?

The residents of Switzerland are paid very high wages compared to other countries, even bordering countries like France or Germany. This is somewhat as a result of the high quality of living. But due to the high wages, Swiss people have more money to spend, which naturally leads to higher prices.