What is the lowest salary in Europe?

What is the lowest salary in Europe? Highlights. In July 2023 minimum wages in the EU Member States ranged from €399 per month in Bulgaria to €2 508 per month in Luxembourg.

What is a good salary in Europe?

Iceland had the highest average annual wage in Europe in 2022, at approximately 79.5 thousand U.S. dollars, compared with Greece, which had an average annual salary of just over 26 thousand U.S dollars a year, the lowest among the countries provided in this statistic.

What is a livable salary in England?

As the results show, if you're a single person with no children you should be able to live comfortably in the UK on a salary of just over £24,000, while a child-free couple could live comfortably on a combined income of around £35,500.

What is the safest country to live in Europe?

As determined by the Global Peace Index, Iceland ranked as the safest country in Europe. Iceland, Denmark, and Ireland ranked as the three safest countries in the world. In contrast, the index ranked Afghanistan as the world's most dangerous country, with Yemen and Syria second and third from bottom.

What is the average salary in Spain?

Spaniards earn USD 37 922 per year on average, less than the OECD average of USD 49 165. Another essential factor of employment quality is job security, in terms of expected loss of earnings when someone becomes unemployed.