What is the meaning of arrival list in front office?

What is the meaning of arrival list in front office? The Arrival List is an interactive report displaying all reservations that have an Arrive Date within the selected date range and can be generated for specific Booking Sources, Categories, Category Attributes, Category Groupings or Travel Agents.

What is close to arrival in front office?

A Close to Arrival is a restriction that is applied to a rate plan and limits the booking of arrival on that date. For events like Christmas, this feature helps properties which avoid check-ins on these days.

What includes pre arrival arrival occupancy and departure?

Guest cycle refers to the distinct stages of guest interaction between the hotel and guests. On the basis of the stage of interaction and activities involved, the Guest Cycle is broadly, classified into four main stages based on the activity type. These are: Pre Arrival, Arrival, Stay and Departure.

How many hours before departure do you arrive?

When you're traveling within the United States, we make the suggestion to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to departure. For most airports, you must be checked in at least 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time (airports requiring additional time are listed below, Go to footer note).

What is the difference between arrival and departure?

Arrival time is when the plane pulls up to the gate. Departure time is when a plane leaves the gate.