What is the only country a U.S. passport Cannot get you into?

What is the only country a U.S. passport Cannot get you into? The US passport is recognized by all countries in the world, and while the majority of nations accept US passports for entry, there are a few exceptions and limitations. Some countries that have restrictions on US passport holders are North Korea, Iran, Syria, Yemen, and Libya.

Why is Japanese passport so powerful?

Those who hold a Japanese passport have visa-free access to 194 destinations. In short, the Japanese passport is the most powerful because it offers those who hold it the opportunity to travel without visa restrictions to the largest number of destinations compared to other countries passports.

How long can a US citizen stay out of the US?

You can travel abroad for as long as you'd like without any risk of losing your U.S. citizenship. And if you plan to stay outside of the United States for longer than a year, you won't need a re-entry permit in order to return, as is the case for green card holders (permanent residents).