What is the port of embarkation card in Singapore?

What is the port of embarkation card in Singapore? Before going to Singapore, you need to apply for an electronic SG Arrival card. It is an electronic version of the former DE (white card) for disembarkation and embarkation purposes. All travelers going to Singapore need to apply for SG Arrival Card (SGAC).

What do you put for port of embarkation?

The port from which cargo depart. This may be a seaport or aerial port from which merchandises flow to a port of debarkation; it may or may not coincide with the port of origin. Also called port of exit.

What is the meaning of embarkation and disembarkation card?

Filling out the Disembarkation/Embarkation card If the process has not changed, a card will be given to you on the airplane and looks somewhat like this: First of all, “embarkation” refers to the act of boarding a vessel or airplane; “disembarkation” is the act of getting off the vessel or airplane at your destination.

What is the difference between embarkation and boarding?

Simply put, embarkation is the process of getting on your ship – it's the cruising equivalent of boarding a plane! While the embarkation procedure may vary slightly between the different cruise lines, it will fundamentally remain the same and require you to have similar documents to hand.