What is the reason why you want to become a flight attendant?

What is the reason why you want to become a flight attendant? I love helping others with their needs. I want to experience something different with my life. I want to become a flight attendant because it gives me the opportunity to meet new people. I've also always wanted to travel and what better way to do that than while on the job.

How can I increase my chances of becoming a flight attendant?

How can I increase my chances of becoming a flight attendant?
  1. Get the Requirements.
  2. Wait till Your 21st Birthday.
  3. Finish High School.
  4. Experience in Customer Service.
  5. Maintain a Good and Fit Physique.
  6. Prepare a Winning Resume.
  7. You'll Need Good Pictures.
  8. Get to Know the Airline Company.

What skills does a flight attendant need?

Important Qualities
  • Attentiveness. Flight attendants must be aware of security or safety risks during the flight. ...
  • Communication skills. Flight attendants should speak clearly and interact effectively with passengers and other crewmembers. ...
  • Customer-service skills. ...
  • Decision-making skills. ...
  • Physical stamina.

Why are you interested in working for airline?

Point out some positive facts about the airline's achievements, company culture, customer experience and values. If you can convince the interviewer that you are excited about working for their airline instead of just seeking a job, it can help create a positive impression.

How do you handle rude passengers?

Tips for dealing with the most difficult passengers during a flight
  1. Keep it on the down-low. ...
  2. Switch it up. ...
  3. Use distraction. ...
  4. Talk to a colleague. ...
  5. Show compassion. ...
  6. Stop serving alcohol. ...
  7. Answer questions. ...
  8. Be kind to parents.

What is your greatest strength flight attendant?

Some examples of strengths that flight attendants include the following:
  • Being able to handle difficult customers/passengers.
  • Being calm in emergency situations.
  • Having a good memory (for faces, names, details)
  • Being able to think on your feet.
  • Good people skills.
  • Being physically fit.

How do you introduce yourself in a flight attendant interview?

Introduce Yourself Professionally
Start by introducing yourself with your full name, and then mention your current role and the experience you have in the aviation industry. You can also mention any relevant education or training you have received.

What three important characteristics do good flight attendants have?

Flight attendants should also possess the following specific qualities:
  • Attentiveness. Flight attendants must be aware of passengers' needs to ensure a pleasant travel experience. ...
  • Communication skills. ...
  • Customer-service skills. ...
  • Decision-making skills. ...
  • Physical stamina.

Why are you the best candidate for this job flight attendant?

I believe that my customer service skills and my ability to stay calm under pressure would make me an excellent flight attendant.” “I have excellent customer service skills and I'm passionate about providing an excellent experience for passengers.

What do you love most about being a flight attendant?

Flexibility. One of the best things about being a Flight Attendant is having a flexible work schedule. It's important for me to choose a schedule that works best for me and my family. If this job did not allow me the time to care for the ones I love at home, I would not be doing it.

What do you like least about being a flight attendant?

You'll be missing out on family and friends.
As you have a unique schedule every week or month, it can be difficult to make plans with family and friends. You will have to get creative with your time off and try to take advantage of any chance you have to see them.

What are the top 3 characteristics of a flight attendant?

Flight attendants should have poise, tact, and resourcefulness to handle stressful situations and meet passengers' needs. Decision-making skills. Flight attendants must be able to act decisively in emergency situations.

What is a good weakness to say in an flight attendant interview?

Having anxiety ? Managing anxiety so it doesn't interfere with job performance. Being impatient ? Learning how to better handle stress and cope with difficult situations. Being Hyperfocused on Details/Tasks ? Learning to take a step back to see the “big picture”

Why did you choose our airline and not others?

Examples of Brief Answers
I have researched your company extensively and am impressed by your commitment to safety and customer service. I am a big fan of your airline and have flown with you many times. I love your unique culture and values.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years flight attendant?

Where do you see yourself five years from now? Say that in 5 years time, you see yourself as a senior cabin crew and would be willing to transfer and share your knowledge to new crew joiners. You would continue to learn and improve as life is a continuous learning journey.

What is the hardest part about being a flight attendant?

Working long hours and being away from loved ones can be tough to deal with. However, I'm incredibly adaptable and am willing to make sacrifices as I see the job's value in allowing me to travel and experience new places. The physical aspect of the job, like standing for long periods, can be quite challenging.