What is the Spanish app for Costa Rica?

What is the Spanish app for Costa Rica? More thorough than Google Translate, SpanishDict will be your savior when traveling through Costa Rica and making new local friends, although it doesn't include all the idioms and special regional sayings for which the country is so renowned. But at least it's a good start!

Where is the prettiest place in Costa Rica?

Most Beautiful Places in Costa Rica
  • Rio Celeste Waterfalls, Tenorio Volcano National Park.
  • Corcovado National Park.
  • Pacuare River Rafting.
  • Arenal Volcano.
  • Cahuita National Park.
  • Punta Uva Beach.

What is the most walkable town in Costa Rica?

Las Catalinas is a unique place, one that espouses a new way of living in Costa Rica. At a glance it is a walkable pedestrian village that exists in harmony with its natural surroundings, and draws its character from a diverse set of influences from across the world.

Should I try to speak Spanish in Costa Rica?

It's the question on any first-time visitor's mind, is Spanish necessary to get by? Costa Rica's primary language is Spanish so it would really help if you could churn out a few words. If you're travelling for a standard family surf vacation, you can probably get away without learning Spanish.

How do you say hello in Costa Rica?

Hola = Hello. This is the basic way to say hello. Buenas = Shorthand way of saying hello, any time of day. It is more casual and works in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Which side of Costa Rica is the nicest?

You can have a great time on either side of Costa Rica but here are some reasons why you should visit one over the other. Two of the main reasons why you should visit the Pacific side of Costa Rica over the Caribbean are that there are more choices and a closer proximity to the international airport and attractions.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Costa Rica?

Clothes. Costa Rica doesn't have a strict dress code so comfortable and casual is best for pretty much the entire country. At the beach where daytime temperatures reach up to 95 F (35 C) with high humidity, your wardrobe will consist of shorts, tank tops, tshirts and flip flops.