What is the subway called in Germany?

What is the subway called in Germany? The U-Bahn or Untergrundbahn is the German version of the metro, subway or “the Tube” (the name is something of a misnomer, however, as many U-Bahn lines actually run above ground).

Can you eat in Deutsche Bahn?

Eating on German Trains Well, German trains have that covered, too, but you don't have to stop and you're still moving faster than by car. All ICE trains have a restaurant wagon where you can sit down and receive table service. It's not a Michelin-starred restaurant, but you can eat plenty well on the train.

What is the famous train station in Germany?

Germany's most famous new-build train station, Berlin Central Station designed by Meinhard von Gerkan, also has everything passengers could ever ask for. The 320-metre long and up to 46-metre tall arched glass-roof construction situated near the Reichstag building and Brandenburg Gate was opened in 2006.

Is subway a tram or metro?

A tram, is a more international term for what would be called Streetcar, or Light Rail, in North America. A subway is usually an electric train of passenger cars operated in subterranean tunnels, though the term is often stretched to include EL or elevated Trains and even some at-grade urban electric trains.

What is the subway called in Munich?

Munich's underground railway network, the U-Bahn, has 8 lines serving almost 100 different stations around the city.

Does Frankfurt have a subway?

Frankfurt's metro system is composed of the S-bahn (nine routes of suburban rail) and the U-bahn (nine routes of combined tram and underground lines).