What is the temperature in Sicily in November?

What is the temperature in Sicily in November? Sicily keeps a mostly mild Mediterranean climate, so temperatures along the coast, like in Palermo and Cefalù in the north and Trapani on the west, range from 55°F to 66°F (13-19°C) and in Catania along the east coast, from 50°F to 68°F.

Which area to stay in Sicily?

  • Best areas in Sicily.
  • Taormina – where to stay for luxury & beautiful surroundings ??
  • Cefalú – best area to stay for families ???
  • Catania – exciting city with beach close to Etna ??
  • Palermo – stay in Sicily's vibrant capital (near the best beach in Sicily)
  • Syracuse – stay in a city with many historical attractions.

Which side of Sicily is warmer?

Summer in Sicily On Sicily's drier, hotter west coast, summer-strong Scirocco winds sometimes blow in from North Africa and can quickly ruin a day at the beach. The northern and eastern coasts of the island see less wind but are still hot and dry in the summer.

How do people dress in Italy in November?

You should layer and plan on wearing a short-sleeved shirt under your cardigan/jacket, as it can be quite warm in the middle of the day, especially if you are walking around a lot or eating lunch outside. It's not really shorts/tank tops weather, so I suggest sticking to jeans/cotton pants.

How many days do you need in Sicily?

At a high level, we think you're going to need at least two weeks (14 days) to see both eastern and western Sicily. Anything less than that and you'd need to cut some of the best sights in each region to try and fit it all in, which we would absolutely not recommend.