What makes Antigua unique?

What makes Antigua unique? Antigua is famous as “the land of 365 beaches,” – one beach for every day of the year! It's not without reason either; the island is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the Caribbean. Whether you're looking for watersports, lively beach bars or secluded coves, there's a beach for everyone.

Is Antigua a party island?

Whatever your mood, Antigua will sure to keep you entertained. Whether it's dancing the night away at one of the island's top clubs, barhopping or trying your luck at a casino, the island will be sure to satisfy your senses.

What makes the noise at night in Antigua?

These are the smallest organisms with the longest of names. They are responsible for the chirping sounds heard at night, and become very noisy after a shower of rain.

Is Antigua rich or poor?

Antigua and Barbuda's poverty line was estimated at US$ 2,366 (EC$ 6,318) per year. Indigents made up 3.7% of the population; the poor but not indigent, 14.6%; and those considered vulnerable, 10.0%. The nonvulnerable population was 71.7% (4). Two districts had higher than average poverty levels.

What is an interesting fact about Antigua?

Antigua is only around 14 miles long and just 11 miles wide. With an area of 442 km² the islands are 550 times smaller than the UK. In fact, you could fit Antigua in the area of London three-and-a-half times.