What modern buildings look like the Parthenon?

What modern buildings look like the Parthenon?

In this legacy belong the multiple attempts at replicating the Parthenon of Athens.
  1. Nashville's Parthenon, Tennessee.
  2. Walhalla, Regensburg. ...
  3. The National Monument Of Scotland, Edinburgh. ...
  4. Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC. ...
  5. Federal Hall National Memorial, New York. ...
  6. Second Bank of the United States, Philadelphia. ...

Is the Acropolis and Parthenon the same thing?

Acropolis is the area the Parthenon sits on. The Acropolis is the high hill in Athens that the Parthenon, an old temple, sits on. I originally thought they were different ancient structures, but I was incorrect. Acropolis is the hill and the Parthenon is the ancient structure.

What architecture from ancient Greece is used today?

Ancient Greece's architecture continues to influence modern architects as they plan classical and modern designs. Many of the basic elements of Greek architecture impact modern architecture. Roman and Greek architecture strongly impacts the Neoclassical, Georgian Revival, Federal and Beaux-Arts styles.

What is a famous modern Greek architecture?

Modernizing Neoclassical Greek Architecture Among their most famous works are the “Neoclassical Trilogy of Athens” (the Academy, the Library and the University of Athens) and many others including: the Presidential Mansion of Athens, the Athens Numismatic Museum and the Church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Thessaloniki.