What not to do on an African Safari?

What not to do on an African Safari?

10 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're on Safari in Africa
  • Don't Call Animals. ...
  • Don't Act Obnoxious. ...
  • Don't Act Rude to Locals. ...
  • Don't Live on Your Cell Phone. ...
  • Don't Disregard Your Guides. ...
  • Don't Get Malaria. ...
  • Don't Overpack. ...
  • Don't Forget to Tip.

Is Brown OK to wear on safari?

We've put together a short guideline on dressing for the best safari experience. This is pretty straight forward. Khaki, olive, tan, brown and earthy greens tend to be your best bets. The idea is to blend into the bush so that wildlife is undisturbed, and you can view them in their natural habitat.

Where is the safest place to go on a safari?

Botswana is considered to be one of the safest places in Africa to visit. The most tourist activity is generally around Maun and Kasane which are gateways to major big game parks such as Chobe, Moremi, Okavango Delta, Central Kalahari, and Nxai Pan.

What should you avoid on a safari?

What NOT to Wear on Safari
  • Don't bring bright-coloured clothing or busy patterns. ...
  • Avoid camouflage clothing as some African countries reserve this pattern for military personnel only.
  • Dark colours attract Tsetse flies, so stay away from dark blue or black clothing – they have a painful bite!

Do you have to wear long sleeves on safari?

– Days on safari are generally hot. In the mornings and evenings, long-sleeved shirts and slacks are better and will also protect you from mosquitoes. For those sensitive to the sun, a loose cotton shirt is a good bet during the day, as is sunscreen.

Do safari guides carry guns?

On photographic safaris and on game drives, most guides do not carry rifles but this differs from country to country and also whether the game drive is being conducted in a national park or on private land.

Is black OK to wear on safari?

Always wear natural and pale-colored clothing on African safaris. Avoid white or any brightly colored fabric, including patterned or striped material. Black is also not good because it's not suitable for hot, sunny days. Neutral tones, such as brown, beige, pale blue, or green are the best.

Is it OK to wear yellow on safari?

We always suggest wearing neutral colours like earth tones or khaki for your safari, especially if you are doing a walking safari. Try to avoid any bright colours, which are more visible and distracting to others and may attract insects.

Do you dress for dinner on safari?

Safaris are casual, so bringing fancy items to wear to dinner is unnecessary. Still, I like to change into something a little nicer for the evening. Because it was chilly and I was trying to avoid bug bites, I always wore long pants in the evening, typically pairing those with a long-sleeved shirt and my sweater wrap.

Can you wear perfume on safari?

To answer the “can you wear perfume on safari?” question that crops up now and then, we would say no. Any strongly scented perfume, hairspray or body spray are likely to ward off animals due to their unfamiliar scents.

Can you wear jeans on an African safari?

Jeans are okay to wear, but when you're limited in luggage weight and planning to have laundry done in camp, a lighter weight zip off pant will be easier to carry and dry faster. While Africa is comprised of a lot of desert and can get very hot at certain times of year, it's not always hot.

Is grey OK to wear on safari?

Shorts and shirts are quite comfortable on a safari especially during the day, but sometimes during the game drives and short walks in the bushes you might wish you had covered up a little more. So light weight pants in light colors like cream,khaki and Chinos or grey are good for the game drives and walks.

What colors not to wear in jungle?

Black clothes attract mosquitos and other insects. Additionally, trekking around the jungle under the Amazonian sun, wearing black clothes, will leave you tired and exhausted.

What not to pack for African safari?

  • Several countries in East Africa have banned single-use plastic bags (this includes customary plastic duty-free bags). ...
  • Camouflage clothing is not recommended for travel in southern African countries. ...
  • Drones are prohibited at most camps.
  • Many camps cannot support electricity for hair dryers.

How do you go to the toilet on safari?

That's right – no flushing toilet, no toilet seat and no toilet paper! You will be 'going to the loo' behind the nearest bush. What to expect on safari? Well, ladies, it is a good idea to carry tissues and a small bag to deposit them in until you can dispose of them back at camp (and a hand sanitizer too).