What rooms were in the manor house?

What rooms were in the manor house?

Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses.
  • The Great Hall.
  • Bed Chambers.
  • Solars.
  • Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes.
  • Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries.
  • Gatehouses and Guardrooms.
  • Chapels & Oratories.
  • Cabinets and Boudoirs.

What was the most important room in a medieval castle?

The great chamber was the second most important room in a medieval or Tudor English castle, palace, mansion, or manor house after the great hall. Medieval great halls were the ceremonial centre of the household and were not private at all; the gentlemen attendants and the servants would come and go all the time.

What did the manor house consist of?

By the 14th century the manor-house plan was clearly defined, with private living apartments and service rooms at opposite ends of the great hall and with battlements, gatehouse, and moat—as at Ightham Mote, Kent.