What sharks are around Bimini Bahamas?

What sharks are around Bimini Bahamas? Bimini is known for hammerhead sharks, but is also home to tiger sharks, bull sharks, reef sharks, lemon sharks and nurse sharks. Our cage diving adventures are offered in partnership with Neal Watson's Bimini Scuba Center. No dive experience is required.

Does Bahamas water have sharks?

Yes, that is the truth. There are about 12 different shark species that live in the warm waters of the Bahamas. The Bahamas is a popular vacation destination for scuba diving, among other things. The shallow water in these areas is home to many tropical fish and a few species of sharks.

Where is shark Alley in the Bahamas?

The Shark Alley dive site is a twelve minute ride from the Riding Rocks Marina. Dive site is located offshore of the settlement of Longbay.

Which Bahama island has the most sharks?

WEST END, Grand Bahama, has been ranked among the top 10 most shark-infested beaches in the world.

Is there great white sharks in the Bahamas?

Great White sharks are not usually seen in Bahamian waters. However, there have been rare sightings of Great Whites on the islands of Bimini and Grand Bahama. More common sharks sighted in the Bahamas include Lemon Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Hammer Heads, Tiger Sharks, Reef Sharks and Bull Sharks.

Do sharks follow cruise ships?

Somewhere between very few and zero. Cruise ships move far too fast for sharks to follow them. Yes, a shark may have a burst speed that could match a ship, but not one that it could sustain.

How can we prevent shark attacks in the Bahamas?

Avoid swimming in areas known for sharks feeding such as rookeries and seal pupping grounds, Stay out of the water at dawn, dusk, and night, when some species of sharks may move inshore to feed on fish.

What to do if a shark is swimming towards you?

Slowly back away Try not to thrash and splash around as you gradually swim backwards toward shore. “You must try and keep the animal in sight and very slowly and gently try and swim backwards and get into shallow water.

Should I be worried about sharks in the Bahamas?

Naylor says swimmers and snorkelers should not be afraid to return to the water in the Bahamas but they should always take precautions. Don't worry. Shark attacks are incredibly rare but secondly, be sensible, if you see sharks in the water don't say, 'oh, they're safe,'” Naylor said.

Why is Bimini so famous?

Referred to by many as the Big Game Fishing Capital of the World, the waters of Bimini have since been made world famous by anglers and divers. The Lost City of Atlantis and the Fountain of Youth are just some of the legends that are believed to exist in Bimini.

What is the most common shark in the Bahamas?

Caribbean reef shark This is the most common shark species in the Bahamas, likely to turn up in large groups at feeding dives. But don't be surprised if you bump into them during normal dives as well. Caribbean reef sharks prefer to patrol in the shallows, often cruising near drop-offs at the reefs' outer edges.

Where not to swim in Bahamas?

West End, Grand Bahama Island West End has some of the most shark-infested beaches in the world. Aptly named, Tiger Beach off of Grand Bahama is one of the world's top spots for seeing tiger sharks.

What time of year are sharks in the Bahamas?

In addition to great topside conditions, November to May is also the best time for shark diving. Tiger sharks are present from October to January at Tiger Beach, and you'll find hammerhead sharks at Bimini from December-March. Oceanic Whitetips can be seen from April-June.

Which is better Nassau or Bimini?

Undoubtedly, Nassau offers travelers a range of attractions, from the Queen's Staircase to Cabbage Beach. However, compared to Bimini, Nassau can also be bustling with people. Thus, travelers seeking a quieter destination with chill tropical vibes should seriously consider a vacation in Bimini!

Do sharks come close to the shore in the Bahamas?

Yes, that is the truth. There are about 12 different shark species that live in the warm waters of the Bahamas. The Bahamas is a popular vacation destination for scuba diving, among other things. The shallow water in these areas is home to many tropical fish and a few species of sharks.

Is it safe to swim in the Bahamas sharks?

Shark diving in the Bahamas is a thrilling experience that allows you to get up close and personal with these amazing creatures. While some tours feature safety cages, the Bahamas offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to swim safely in open waters with lots of different shark species.

How likely is it to see sharks in the Bahamas?

Sharks are some of the most fascinating creatures in the ocean, and the Bahamas is one of the best places in the world to observe them. With crystal-clear waters and a diverse range of habitats, the Bahamas is home to a wide variety of shark species, from the majestic hammerhead to the fearsome tiger shark.