What should I pack for 2 weeks in the Caribbean?

What should I pack for 2 weeks in the Caribbean?

The Best Caribbean Vacation Packing List
  • Tumbler + Water Bottle. A day on the beach is all fun and games… ...
  • Sun Hat. ...
  • Bathing Suits. ...
  • Clothesline. ...
  • Floaties. ...
  • Camera. ...
  • Headphones. ...
  • Sundresses, Skirts & Shorts.

How do you fit 10 days of clothes in a carry-on?

10 tips to pack for 10 days in a carry-on
  1. 2×5 = 10. Here's an easy equation to remember. ...
  2. Mix and match. So you only have 2 bottoms and 5 tops. ...
  3. Be savvy about the clothes you wear. ...
  4. Pack travel-size toiletries. ...
  5. Use packing cubes. ...
  6. Choose your electronics wisely. ...
  7. Minimize cables and chargers. ...
  8. Do laundry.

How to pack for 2 weeks in Caribbean?

Caribbean Packing List
  1. 3-5 t-shirts or tank tops in breezy, breathable fabrics.
  2. 2-3 shorts or skirts.
  3. 1-2 nicer outfits for nightlife and resort restaurants with dress codes (dresses, button-down shirts)
  4. Underwear for one week.
  5. 1 pair of flip flops or other sandals that can handle water and sand.

What should I pack for a 15 day trip?

When packing for a 15-day trip, it's important to pack versatile clothing that can be worn in different settings. Choose items that can be dressed up or down, and that can be mixed and matched to create multiple outfits. Stick to a color scheme to make it easier to mix and match.

When should you start packing for a 2 week holiday?

When it comes to packing, procrastinators fall short. Start your packing process days or even weeks ahead of your departure date; this gives you time to craft a complete list, plus purchase any additional items you might need for your vacation.

How do you pack a 14 day carry on?

What to Pack for a 2-Week Trip
  1. enough clothes and shoes to create at least 7 outfits (assuming you can do laundry at least once)
  2. enough (essential) toiletries, cosmetics, and medications for the whole trip (unless you plan on shopping for more)
  3. a small bag or purse.
  4. charging cables and adapters for your devices.

Is it better to roll clothes or fold?

Generally, it's better to roll clothes because it takes up less space and allows you to pack more while reducing wrinkles. However, rolling clothes is time-consuming, so folding can also be efficient depending on the type of clothes you're packing and your available space.

How do I maximize space in my suitcase?

To pack a suitcase and maximize space:
  1. Assess the available space in your suitcase.
  2. Prepare your packing list.
  3. Roll clothes instead of folding.
  4. Create a strategy when arranging clothes.
  5. Use packing cubes.
  6. Use a toiletry bag.
  7. Pack travel-sized containers.
  8. Pack your shoes with the rule of three.

What is the 5 4 3 2 1 packing method?

Do the clothing countdown: If you need a mantra to help streamline your wardrobe, use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for a weeklong trip: Limit yourself to no more than five sets of socks and underwear, four tops, three bottoms, two pairs of shoes and one hat. The list should be adjusted to suit your needs.

How many bras to pack for 2 weeks?

If you have unlimited suitcase space and don't want to do any laundry, a two-week trip means packing 14/2 = 7 bras and at least 14 pairs of underwear. That consumes a lot of valuable suitcase space! To reduce the number of pieces that need to be packed, simply commit to doing laundry on the road.

What is the 3 1 suitcase rule?

In short, the 3-1-1 rule is: Each liquid you bring through the TSA checkpoint must be in a 3.4-ounce or smaller container (3), all containers must be placed inside one clear quart-size plastic bag (1) and each passenger is only allowed one plastic bag (1).