What should I pack for Morocco in November?

What should I pack for Morocco in November? Moroccan regional differences for clothing in November Pack a waterproof jacket and warm clothes for the winter. Because it naturally aids in controlling your body temperature, merino wool is a fantastic material to wear next to your skin.

Can you wear skinny jeans in Morocco?

Jeans and pants You can wear skinny jeans, just make sure you have a long top to cover up your bottoms if you know you will be visiting villages and popular areas.

Can tourists wear what they want in Morocco?

No, you really don't have to do anything in Morocco when it comes to clothing. Yes, it is considered more respectable to cover up a bit more however there are no rules. My advice is to have options just in case you feel uncomfortable. More modest clothing is generally preferred in Morocco.

Is Morocco cheap or expensive?

It's not as busy as the high season, so you can often get good deals on accommodations and tours, but the weather is generally more pleasant than in the peak summer heat or the chill of winter. A piece of advice: Morocco is not expensive so even if you visit during the high season, it won't really cost a lot.

What plugs are used in Morocco?

For Morocco there are two associated plug types, types C and E. Plug type C is the plug which has two round pins and plug type E is the plug which has two round pins and a hole for the socket's male earthing pin. Morocco operates on a 220V supply voltage and 50Hz.

Should I bring toilet paper to Morocco?

Hygiene. In Morocco it is very common to find squat toilets, which are flushed with a bucket of water. Moroccan toilets almost always do not contain toilet paper and it is a necessity to carry toilet paper and/or hygiene wipes if you will be away from the hotel for an extended period of time.

Is it better to take cash to Morocco?

Other than these high-end places, Morocco is a largely cash-based society and it's advisable to carry cash with you most of the time for purchases. If you do decide to use your debit or credit card in Morocco, make sure your bank knows that you're planning a trip. If not, they may block your cards.

What should female travelers wear in Morocco?

Think Loose and Flowy All things lightweight and full coverage is ideal—loose trousers or maxi skirts are perfect. A tunic dress or shirt with leggings or a full kaftan is great too. Not only does full coverage allow you to dress conservatively in Morocco, but it will also protect you from the sun.

Where is hottest in Morocco in November?

There are high temperatures in the south, although when hot desert air and cooler Atlantic air meets there can be fog and mist on the coast. Inland, where Marrakech is, generally has higher temperatures because there's no sea to cool you down.

Why is Morocco so cheap in November?

Low season in Morocco Because of the intense heat in many popular destinations, fewer tourists tend to visit during this period, leading to lower prices for accommodations and sometimes even tours. November to February are the Winter months and can be quite cold, especially in the Atlas Mountains and inland cities.

Does Morocco get cold in November?

November means cool weather and shorter days in Morocco, with occasional rain showers. In the Atlas Mountains, the daily temperature average in November is 62°F, with highs in the low seventies — ideal weather for hiking.

What is the best money to take to Morocco?

Euros are by far the easiest foreign currency to exchange, and are often accepted as payment if you don't have any dirham on hand. U.S. dollars and British pounds can be exchanged at banks and bureaux de change, but will rarely be accepted as payment.

What is Marrakech like in November?

Marrakech weather November Marrakech has warm weather all year round as it's so close to the Sahara Desert. November's still nice and hot, although it's cooler than summer, so you'll like this time if you'd rather avoid the scorching temperatures.

Can females wear shorts in Morocco?

Yes, there is no problem with wearing shorts in Morocco. You will see this just about everywhere. However, in rural Morocco, you might want to stick with longer shorts, capri length or full length pants.

Can you sunbathe in Morocco in November?

You can expect 11 hours of daylight with seven hours of sunshine in November. UV levels will be at moderate level so don't forget to bring your sun cream, while sunset's around 5.30pm in November.

What clothes to wear in Morocco in November?

What to wear in Marrakech in November
  • Plenty of layered clothing, including cardigans, lightweight jackets, and jumpers.
  • A good SPF, as the sun can still be strong in the winter months.
  • An umbrella or rain jacket as it can rain in November.
  • Comfortable shoes with a closed toe in case it's cooler.

Is Morocco still hot in November?

November is the start of winter in Morocco, but it is not as cold as winter in many countries across Europe and North America, meaning you can still get a warm holiday during this month, with Marrakesh, as an example, still hitting a high of 23°C (74°F).

Do females have to cover up in Morocco?

Cover Your Chest and Shoulders While you do not need to cover your entire arms, it is highly recommended that you at least cover your shoulders. Tank tops or strapless shirts and dresses are not considered appropriate in the streets of Morocco. Again, you will experience a lot of harassment if you wear these items.

Is there a strict dress code in Morocco?

The answer is that there is no official dress code in Morocco, and you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in. If you are planning to visit cities like Marrakech or Casablanca, you will see locals and tourists dressed in a variety of styles.

What kind of shoes to wear in Morocco?

Make sure you take comfy footwear for daytime – preferably closed-in shoes as the streets are often uneven and dusty. Try Hotter shoes, they are amazingly light and comfortable and look great too. It is best to avoid high heels – instead choose pretty flat sandals for the evenings.