What should I wear on holiday in Marrakech?

What should I wear on holiday in Marrakech? Dress for the heat and avoid anything too 'out there' that may attract attention. In the evening, linen trousers or chinos with closed shoes work well, as well as a jacket or blazer for the cooler weather. Make sure to pack a few jumpers if you're visiting Marrakech in the cooler seasons.

Can a woman wear shorts in Marrakesh?

You might think that wearing shorts in Marrakech is ok. Well, they are as long as they aren't booty shorts/ hot pants/ short shorts or anything that shows too much leg (short skirts are also a no-go)

Can you wear skinny jeans in Morocco?

Jeans and pants You can wear skinny jeans, just make sure you have a long top to cover up your bottoms if you know you will be visiting villages and popular areas.

What can you not bring into Morocco?

Some goods cannot be imported into Morocco.
  • Weapons, including spare parts and ammunition;
  • Narcotics, drugs and any other psychotropic products;
  • Writings, printed matter, cassettes and recorded videocassettes and any other material contrary to morality and public order;

How should a female tourist dress in Morocco?

While female travellers aren't expected to dress as conservatively as local women, it's still a good idea to pack clothing options that will allow you to cover up. In the main cities, you can get away with wearing pants or a skirt that reaches below the knee, and a short-sleeved t-shirt.

What shoes to wear in Marrakech?

Comfortable shoes – there is plenty of walking to be done in Marrakech, so I highly recommend a few pairs of comfy shoes. I lived in my Birkenstocks as they're comfy but also keep your feet cool. The streets in Marrakech are not the smoothest to walk along, so keep this in mind when packing.

Can you wear sleeveless tops in Marrakech?

In Morocco, it's not necessary to cover your arms. You might see some women of Marrakech, and throughout Morocco covered in their entirety, however, this is not expected of tourists. Marrakech is incredibly touristy, so it's a little bit more lenient on the expectations of how women should dress.

What to avoid in Marrakesh?

  • Don't Drink Tap Water in Marrakech. It's probably best to drink filtered or bottled water when visiting Marrakech and traveling in Morocco. ...
  • Don't Accept Unsolicited Help or Directions. ...
  • Don't Forget to Learn About Local Customs. ...
  • Don't Take Photos Without Permission. ...
  • Don't Barter for Unfair Prices.

Can you wear sandals in Morocco?

Shoes for Men and Women You should definitely bring comfortable walking shoes to wear in Morocco. Most tours involve a lot of walking to see the beautiful sights. Sandals are convenient to keep your feet cool as long as they are sturdy.

Do people wear jeans in Morocco?

As you travel around Morocco, you will see that women dress in a variety of styles —from traditional jellabas (ankle-long robes with a hood), to skinny jeans, dresses, and even crop denim shorts, especially in coastal towns during the summer.

What tops to wear in Morocco?

Packing a couple of tunics and long-sleeved shirts is also a good idea for easy layering in more conservative or rural areas. When visiting mosques, female travellers should wear clothing that covers from ankle to elbow, as well as covering decolletage. It's also important to cover your hair with a scarf.

How to dress stylish in Morocco?

Both men and women should cover their shoulders and avoid wearing revealing clothing. For women, it's recommended to wear loose-fitting clothing that covers the arms and legs, and consider bringing a scarf or shawl to cover the head. Men should also avoid wearing shorts and opt for long pants.

Should I bring jeans to Morocco?

Yes, tourists can wear jeans in Morocco. While flowy pants and dresses tend to be more comfortable due to the heat, don't be afraid to throw in your favorite pair of jeans if desired. I would still recommend wearing a long, flowy top with them.

Can I bring a girl to my hotel in Morocco?

The laws says that all couples (Moroccan couple, Tourist couple or Mixed) are not permitted to share an hotel room without being married not only Moroccan with tourist. Some hotels turn a blind eye for tourists couples, even some Riads for all but to be honest not Respectable Riads as you said.

Can I wear short pants in Morocco?

We would advise staying away from shorts. We would aim for the shortest pants to be mid-calf or capri length. If you choose the skirt option, just be aware that most Moroccan women will not be wearing short skirts.

What kind of shoes to wear in Morocco?

Make sure you take comfy footwear for daytime – preferably closed-in shoes as the streets are often uneven and dusty. Try Hotter shoes, they are amazingly light and comfortable and look great too. It is best to avoid high heels – instead choose pretty flat sandals for the evenings.