What should you avoid in Zimbabwe?

What should you avoid in Zimbabwe? Same-sex relations are illegal in Zimbabwe and can attract criminal penalties. Be careful when taking photos. Photographing airports, military establishments, government offices, the President's residence and security forces is illegal. Avoid political activity and any activities that officials could view as political.

What are the no go areas in Zimbabwe?

NO-GO AREAS FOR ZIMBABWE Avoid the border area with Mozambique. Do not stray from the main roads near the Zimbabwe?Mozambique border, as the risk of crime and theft is high. Do not attempt to enter the area to the Marange diamond mining fields in Chiadzwa as it is restricted by armed forces.

Is Zimbabwe safe for solo female travellers?

Is Zimbabwe safe for solo female travellers? Yes, Zimbabwe is generally safe for solo female travelers. However, it is important to take the usual precautions when traveling alone, such as avoiding walking alone at night, being aware of your surroundings, and not carrying large amounts of cash.

What is the best currency to take to Zimbabwe?

However, the economy of the country is pegged in US Dollars, so essentially the US Dollar is the dominant currency. If you are a visitor to Zimbabwe you want to think in US Dollars only.

Is Zimbabwe safe for white tourists?

Country Summary: Opportunistic crime, such as pickpocketing, theft, and smashing of car windows with intent to steal, is common. Violent crime, such as assault, carjacking, and home invasion, also occurs. Criminals often target foreigners and residents suspected of having large sums of cash.

Is it cheap to visit Zimbabwe?

For a round-trip ticket, flights to Zimbabwe can range from approximately $800 to $1500 in US dollars. Accommodation costs vary depending on your preferences, ranging from budget hotels or hostels starting at around $20 per night to luxury hotels that can go up to $300 per night.

Can you drink the water in Zimbabwe?

Always boil or filter water using a travel kettle, or a portable water filter before drinking it to kill any harmful parasites, bacteria and viruses. If you have to cross a river, or go into a lake; aim for clear patches of water with no vegetation and dry yourself as soon as you get out.

What is the safest country in Africa for solo travel?

Namibia is one of the most peaceful and safest countries in Africa to visit at #68 on the 2022 Global Peace Index. One of the most politically stable countries in Africa, Namibia is also one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world.