What state has the most protected land?

What state has the most protected land? Alaska is the state with the highest percent of its area protected. Over a third of U.S. protected lands are federally protected wilderness areas, a network of over 170,000 square miles larger than California. WASH. MONT.

Which state has 0 national parks?

States without National Parks are: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho (see above,) Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

What are 5 states without national parks?

Which States Have No National Parks?
  • Alabama.
  • Connecticut.
  • Delaware.
  • Georgia.
  • Illinois.
  • Iowa.
  • Kansas.
  • Louisiana.

How many states have 0 national parks?

There's a total of 63 national parks in the United States. One might assume the parks would cover most of the country—but that's not the case! While there are dozens of parks, they only exist in a little more than half of the country's states. There are still 20 states that don't have a national park.