What tests do pilots take for color blindness?

What tests do pilots take for color blindness?

The four exams are the following:
  • An FAA-approved alternate color plate test, such as the: AOC (1965 edition) AOC-HRR (second edition) Dvorine. Richmond (1983 edition) Richmond-HRR.
  • Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT) DAY.
  • Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT) NIGHT.
  • Color Vision Medical Flight Test.

What is the easiest FAA color vision test?

The Farnsworth Lantern test is reportedly one of the easiest tests to pass, but it must be taken before every FAA Medical Exam (See below).

What color blind test does the FAA use?

The OCVT (Operational Color Vision Test) consists of a sectional chart reading and light gun test, and the MFT (Medical Flight Test) is an actual flight with a FAA inspector from the FSDO to examine your operational capabilities in regards to color.

Can you wear glasses and be a pilot?

Yes, airplane pilots can wear glasses. (And many do.) If you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, you can still become a commercial, private, or military pilot. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the military have certain minimum standards for prospective pilots.