What time of year are sharks most active in Hawaii?

What time of year are sharks most active in Hawaii? There appears to be an increased risk of being bitten by a shark during certain months, in particular October through December. Early Hawaiians recognized this, and cautioned against going in the water at that time.

Are there aggressive sharks in Hawaii?

Although tiger sharks may be the most dangerous of Hawaiian sharks, other species have been known to bite people, usually with much less serious results. But as mentioned above, sharks have very sharp teeth, and even small sharks can cause significant tissue damage to a person.

Is it safe to swim in Hawaii?

Beneath the ocean's beautiful blue surface, conditions can be unpredictable and even dangerous. Ocean safety experts recommend checking in with lifeguards before you enter the water - they'll be happy to tell you about potential hazards like rip currents, hidden rocks and shorebreaks.

How do you stay safe from sharks in Hawaii?

Don't swim/surf/dive near harbor entrances, river mouths and channels, especially after heavy rains. These types of waters are known to be frequented by sharks. Don't wear high-contrast swimwear or shiny jewelry. Sharks can see contrast well.

Do sharks come close to shore in Hawaii?

About eight species are somewhat common in nearshore waters. The most frequently encountered are the whitetip reef, sandbar, scalloped hammerhead, and occasionally tiger. These inshore species are top-level carnivores, feeding primariy on fishes.

Are great whites in Hawaii?

Yes, great white sharks have been spotted around Hawaii. They visit the area between January and April when the water temperature goes below 75 degrees Fahrenheit because great whites prefer living in colder waters. No official record indicates specific locations in Hawaii where great white sharks have been spotted.

How likely is it to see a shark in Hawaii?

Also, with the exception of white tip and black tip reef sharks, seeing a shark is so exceptionally rare that most locals have never seen one. If you do see a shark when visiting Hawaii—especially in clear, blue water—consider yourself lucky to have had the chance at such a rare encounter.

Is it safe to snorkel in Hawaii sharks?

Swim, surf, or dive with other people, and don't move too far away from assistance. Stay out of the water at dawn, dusk, and night, when some species of sharks may move inshore to feed. But be aware that tiger sharks are known to bite people at all times of the day.

Is it safe to snorkel in Hawaii?

You'll want to keep a safe distance from the underwater animals (as many of them could be endangered) and never stand on or touch the reef, as it is extremely fragile and can easily cut you. Snorkeling tours are safe, well-organized, and know the best spots for viewing sea turtles and fish.

Are there alligators in Hawaii?

The easy answer is no. Alligators are not native to Hawaii, and the only way you'll see a gator in the Aloha State is in the zoo, such as the Honolulu Zoo. However, of the two alligators the Honolulu Zoo had, their oldest alligator, Goliath, died in 2015 after living six decades in the zoo.