What town is closest to Craters of the Moon?

What town is closest to Craters of the Moon? The park entrance is 24 miles northeast of Carey, Idaho and 18 miles southwest of Arco, Idaho.

Can you see lava at craters of the moon?

Rock outcrop of the Monoliths-North Crater Flow at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. Cinder cones and lava flows are seen in the distance. (Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.) Craters of the Moon is made of over 60 lava flows that erupted between 15,000 and 2,100 years ago.

Is 1 day enough for Crater Lake?

Is 1 day enough for Crater Lake? Yes! I spent 1 day in Crater Lake and I feel like it was a good amount of time to spend in the park. The park isn't too large like other national parks so it is very doable to drive around and do a few activities and enjoy your time at the lake.

When should I go to Craters of the Moon?

In our opinion, late summer and early autumn is the best time to visit Craters of the Moon. This time of the year will give you the best moon-like experience. And then there is the wintertime.