When can you swim in Victoria Falls?

When can you swim in Victoria Falls? Devil's Pool is adjacent to the famous Livingstone Island situated on the edge of the Victoria Falls. Guests can choose to enjoy an exhilarating swim to the edge of the falls during their Livingstone Island visit. The Devil's Pool is usually open between mid August and mid January - depending on Zambezi water levels.

How many days do I need at Victoria Falls?

Most hotels in Victoria Falls are booked on a bed-and-breakfast basis. We would recommend a minimum stay of two nights and an ideal stay of three nights. If you want to experience everything this location has to offer and take part in various activities, you may even want to stay four nights or longer.

Is it safe to drink tap water in Victoria Falls?

Can I drink the water in Victoria Falls? Yes. Most, if not all locals, drink happily from municipal supplies. However, if you suspect you may have a sensitive stomach, then bottled water is recommended and is readily available.

Is Victoria Falls better than Niagara Falls?

The sheer size of Victoria also makes it a more grandiose site than Niagara, with the surface area twice as big than that of its rival – so there's much more to see as you travel around the falls' perimeter.

Can you swim in Devils Pool in June?

Devil's Pool is only open during the drier months, usually between mid-August and late December. This will vary from year to year. The Zambezi River water levels have to be low enough to be able to safely swim.

What is the wet season in Victoria Falls?

Zimbabwe experiences an increasingly unpredictable cycle of seasons though generally speaking the hot, dry season takes place between April and October while the wet season occurs from November to March. The appearance of Victoria Falls changes with the seasons depending on the volume of water in the Zambezi River.

Is Zambia or Zimbabwe safer?

In recent years, Zambia has entrenched itself as one of the safest and most stable countries in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas Zimbabwe has become synonymous with tyrannical rule and economic mismanagement. Despite this, both sides of Victoria Falls are popular with tourists and as safe to visit as anywhere in the region.

What are the best months for Victoria Falls?

When is the Best Time to Visit Victoria Falls? The best time to visit Victoria Falls is from February to May, directly after the summer rains, when you'll see the world's largest sheet of falling water flowing at its greatest volume.

Does Victoria Falls have clean water?

Water -- Tap water is generally considered safe, but it's worth asking first.

What do you wear to the Victoria Falls tour?

Packing List
  • Quick Dry T-shirts - Chances are, you will break a sweat.
  • Active Shoes - Great for exploring off-the-beaten paths, hiking trails and waterfalls. ...
  • Hat & Sunglasses - To keep the sun out of your eyes and off your face.
  • Swimsuit - Great for when you need to take a dip.

Why is Victoria Falls so special?

The Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls is the world's greatest sheet of falling water and significant worldwide for its exceptional geological and geomorphological features and active land formation processes with outstanding beauty attributed to the falls i.e. the spray, mist and rainbows.