When not to visit the Great Barrier Reef?

When not to visit the Great Barrier Reef? The Great Barrier Reef is also prone to thunderstorms and the occasional cyclone. If you want reliably good underwater visibility, summer might not be the best time as rain and storms can cause the water to become murky. It's not all bad though.

What should you do if you accidentally step on coral while snorkeling?

Flush the wound with a half-strength solution of hydrogen peroxide in water. Rinse again with water. Apply a thin layer of antiseptic ointment, and cover the wound with a dry, sterile and non-adherent dressing. If you have no ointment or dressing, you can leave the wound open.

Is it safe to swim at the Great Barrier Reef?

A: It is safe to swim all year round in Cairns, Port Douglas and the Great Barrier Reef but it is highly recommended that you wear a lycra suit when entering the water in the warmer months of November-April.

When can you not swim in Great Barrier Reef?

The warm water means one thing: stingers. While marine stingers are found along the Great Barrier Reef all year round, the potentially lethal jellyfish species – Box and Irukandji – enter the waters from November through May.

How safe is snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef?

Snorkeling Tips. Snorkeling is an extremely safe activity, especially if you take all of the correct precautions and listen to your own body whilst swimming. Below are some basic Great Barrier Reef snorkeling safety tips. Fitness.

Will you see sharks in the Great Barrier Reef?

Reef Shark & Snorkeler In general, snorkeling and scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef you will have no problem at all with these reef-dwelling sharks. They can, in fact, be a highlight of any snorkeling or scuba diving trip, often being the hot topic of conversation if you manage to spot one.

What not to do at the Great Barrier Reef?

Take care when diving and snorkelling Be aware of where your fins are and avoid touching anything with them. Don't rest or stand on coral. If you must stand up, make sure it is on sand or use rest stations. Observe animals rather than handling them directly, and avoid blocking the path of free swimming animals.