When should you use waterfall instead of Scrum?

When should you use waterfall instead of Scrum?

When to use Waterfall instead of Scrum
  1. Well-defined user stories and feature requirements.
  2. Development teams larger than 10 people.
  3. An established DevOps stack and developers who are experienced with it.
  4. Only minor changes implemented once development has started.

Can one do waterfall and still be Agile?

The point I was trying to make is that, Agile and a Waterfall process are not opposites of each other. You can use a supposedly waterfall process, and still have some measure of agility. On top of this, “Agile” is not a binary, yes/no condition. Your organisation as a whole (not just IT) can only be more or less Agile.

What percentage of people use Agile vs waterfall?

According to current statistics, 70% of US companies prefer Agile over the waterfall method because of the high success rate of 64% compared to projects competing under the waterfall method, where the success rate is 49%.

What is the main disadvantage of the waterfall?

Disadvantages of the waterfall method The fixed, sequential approach lacks flexibility when it comes to unforeseen roadblocks and changes. Coming up with specific details might be difficult for clients, and without these, the project manager can't proceed to the next phase.