Where can US felons travel?

Where can US felons travel?

List of European Countries That Allow Felons
  • France. France is a member of the Schengen region, so you'll need a Schengen visitor or business visa to visit the country. ...
  • Germany. Germany has specific rules for visitors with criminal convictions. ...
  • Spain. ...
  • Italy. ...
  • The Netherlands. ...
  • Poland.

Can a felon go to Jamaica?

Rules When Entering Jamaica As A Felon Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months before you can travel to Jamaica as a felon. Your financial status must be cleared, which can be validated with a bank statement. There must be a return ticket with your name on it before you can travel.

Can felons go to Dubai?

You can enter Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with a criminal record. But, the crime must not have been committed in Dubai and you need to have served the entirety of the sentence.

What countries can US felons not travel to?

Countries that Don't Allow Felons 2023
  • Countries that deny entry to visitors convicted of a felony. Argentina. ...
  • Australia. In Australia, tourists who wish to visit but who have a criminal record must first apply for a visa. ...
  • Canada. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • New Zealand. ...
  • Russia. ...
  • United Kingdom. ...
  • United States.

Can felons fly to Spain?

Spain restricts felons based on the severity of the offense committed, where the crime was committed, and how long ago it was committed. The country does not refuse entry to those convicted of minor crimes.

Can US felons travel to Europe?

Europe and the United Kingdom The ability to travel to Europe with a criminal record will depend on which country is visited. Generally, criminal conviction background checks are not carried out at European borders. Being honest if and when asked about criminal convictions is always advisable.

Can you travel out of the US with a felony?

If you're a convicted felon and none of the above exceptions apply, you should not have any problem obtaining a U.S. passport. As long as you've completed your sentence and no court has barred you from traveling abroad, you should be able to travel overseas. However, some countries do not let convicted felons in.