Where do celebrities hang out in Palm Springs?

Where do celebrities hang out in Palm Springs? The swanky Parker Palm Springs hotel is often a go-to spot for celebs when they come to the desert. It also just happens to be the location of Variety's annual 10 Directors to Watch brunch on Friday.

Where do celebrities hang out in Palm Springs?

The swanky Parker Palm Springs hotel is often a go-to spot for celebs when they come to the desert. It also just happens to be the location of Variety's annual 10 Directors to Watch brunch on Friday.

What is the 2 hour rule in Palm Springs?

— Allegedly, Palm Springs became Palm Springs through a quirk in contracts old-time Hollywood bosses used to write for their stars: a “two-hour rule” stipulating that no famous face should be more than 120 minutes away in case it was needed for an urgent film shoot. Palm Springs was within that radius.