Where do most British people retire in Spain?

Where do most British people retire in Spain? It might not come as a surprise to discover that in early 2023 the biggest number of Brits in Spain lived in the southern region of Andalusia, home of the famous Costa del Sol, with a total of 92,180.

Why do Brits retire to Spain?

Sunny Spain is the dream retirement destination for thousands of us – golden coasts, delicious food and a rich culture are hard to resist. It is little wonder that more than 100,000 British pensioners have already settled in the country.

Can Brits live in Spain permanently?

Since 1st January 2021, the UK is now considered as a “third country”. Any British citizen who wants to emigrate to Spain (or stay for longer than three months in the country) will need to apply for a visado nacionale (long-term visa). This includes those who have a second home in Spain, but no form of residency.

What Spanish town is paying Brits to move there?

Located in Asturias, Ponga offers Brits the chance to get paid to move there due to its own lack of inhabitants. On the face of it, making the switch seems like a no-brainer. Ponga get around 2,000 hours every year, compared with the UK's 1387, so if you're sick of the sunshine, that's one reason to move.

What are the new rules for Brits living in Spain?

Since 1st January 2021, the UK is now considered as a “third country”. Any British citizen who wants to emigrate to Spain (or stay for longer than three months in the country) will need to apply for a visado nacionale (long-term visa). This includes those who have a second home in Spain, but no form of residency.

Can I live in Spain with a US passport?

Can I just move and live in Spain? If you're American and only intend on staying in Spain for less than 90 days, you will not be required to apply for a visa. If you plan on living in Spain, you must apply for a relevant visa at your nearest Spanish Embassy or Spanish Consulate.

Where are the most Brits living in Spain?

According to statistics collected at the end of 2022 and the beginning of this year by Statista, the coastal regions of Andalucia along the Costa del Sol have the highest number of British expats, with 92,180 Brits making this sunny southern area their home in 2022.

What is the most British town in Spain?

The Costa Blanca town of Benidorm is the most British city in Spain.

What is the most English speaking town in Spain?

The Costa Blanca town of Benidorm is the most British city in Spain!