Where does Catherine Zeta Jones live in Majorca?

Where does Catherine Zeta Jones live in Majorca? Catherine and Michael's Spanish house boasts ten bedrooms and is located on the outskirts of the village of Valldemossa, Majorca.

Where not to stay in Majorca?

Areas to avoid If you're after something more relaxed, do stay away from Magaluf and Palma Nova as these places are where you'll find a lot of the 18-30's groups, along with English-style pubs, a big drinking culture and all-night parties. They are also jam-packed during the peak tourism months of July and August.

What is the richest town in Majorca?

The richest towns are Valldemossa with 19,225; Escorca with 17,687; Deya with 17,231; Puerto Soller with 16,634 and Puigpunyent with 16,110. The least wealthy areas are Calvia with 14,120, followed by Banyalbufar with 14,848 and Esporles with 14,516.

Do any celebrities live in Mallorca?

People like Til Schweiger, the Catherine Zeta-Jones / Michael Douglas family and several other big-name stars live quietly on the island. Some spend chunks of the year in Mallorca staying in huge Finca by the sea in Mallorca.

Where did Princess Diana stay in Mallorca?

The Princess of Wales lived her life under a spotlight – sometimes of her own making. But in the spring of 1996 she found sanctuary during a weekend's stay at the Mallorca hotel known today as Belmond La Residencia in Deià, where her framed letter of thanks to the hotel still hangs on the wall in the reception area.